Thursday, December 16, 2004

hello, death! [hai, maut!]

sum people said that; orang yg suka ngomong soal mati ato apapun yg punya sangkutpaut ama maut, itu tandanya ntu orang bntar lagi mati... entah suicide, sick or probably hit by a train? god knows... ntah apa yg menanti gw di waktu yg akan datang, my brain is full with a word; DEATH/MAUT. recently, gw ngrasa maut negur gw lewat kakek gw ama temen kos gw. both die with beautiful memories. tapi kayanya kematian dua orang itu seperti pengen ngasi gw sumthing, entah clues or whatever lah itu. pertanda? hidayah? titik balik hidup? thats the problm... i dont have any idea!
tapi gw yakin, deep down inside my soul, it means everything to my journey.


"..its sumthing unpredictable, but in the end is right... and i hope u had the time of your life.." [time of ur life_greenday]
BAM! the lyrics came outta nowhere, tapi langsung nancep di otak gw.. memporakporandakan yg namanya selfpitty tentang apa yg terjadi di hidup lo...
yup! sumtimes, it came outta nowhere.. unpredictable... but, in the end..its always right.. even though lo ga ngliat apapun yg bisa lo anggep bener. but, bliv me.. its true.. trus abis itu? enjoy your live.. prepare for the next battle..thats it..