Thursday, March 10, 2005

what the hell is KMDGI?!!

did you ever hear that word? well, not me...
ironicly, gw harus berurusan dgn yg satu ini..
well, sorry guys, bukannya gw ga peduli atopun didnt give a f**k
tapi im still not getting any of this shit
gini deh, lo tau anak kecil kan?
mereka hrs dikasi explaination yg jelas "why they have to do what" and
what's the goal?
well that's me. i need it now. tapi geblegnya, ampe skrg, h-3, gw masi blank...
even gw udaa dikasi tau ama temen gw sekalipun, gw tetep ga ngerti
actually its simple. itu cuman forum studi banding "yg katanya" mahasiwa desain grafis [according to my own selfish oppinion]ato kaya bazzar munkin...
tapi kok tetep aja gw ga nemu apa goal gw kalo gw ikut ntuh acara. FUCK!!
tai kucing! gmn pun jg gw hrs ikut. its matter of kesetiakawanan... that's it.
walopun sebenernya kaki dan hati gw berat.
but take the bright side; munkin disana gw ketemu calon istri? wallahualam >_<
eniwey, see you guys there...


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